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To Change The Body You Must First Change The Mind

Jiordana Saade

Hi, I'm Jiordana Saade

Founder of The MFC


This is my Story


Hi! I’m Jiordana and I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and clinical Hypnotherapist currently completing a degree in behavioural Psychology. My practice is all about understanding the connection between mental health and nutrition.

To heal the body you must first heal the mind

 As someone who was morbidly obese in my youth and struggled with mental health, eating disorders, and addictions, I truly believe that holistic nutrition and psychology go hand in hand for recovery. I was able to overcome my own personal setbacks through the interventions of my program, and now I want to help YOU take charge of your health and heal your body and your relationship with food, for good!

Truly Thrive with Jiordana

Find the resources that are right for you.

Online Courses

The Food Psychology Institute offers a number of courses on eating behaviours and detox


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1-on-1 coaching

Ready to go deeper? Book a free consultation to see how you can work 1:1 with Jiordana 


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Official Website

Learn more about Jiordana and what she offers!


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